
Friday, December 17, 2010

First one

Well, this should be the original first post. The first one went out even before I figure out where to write ;). So let us treat this as the first post..

The sole purpose of these posts is to improve my writing skills and be more articulate. So nothing serious would be discussed here, at least, hopefully nothing serious or important would be discussed ;) With that desclaimer, I remain with one question, what to write about? Setting out to write something with out any idea what to write is the biggest challenge. Almost as big a task as public speaking without any point or no knowledge of the point of discussion.

Well, let me start with an erstwhile interesting topic of mine. This captivated me, made me feel like I've conquered the world (well, almost..) for quite sometime. I used to beam proudly with the thought that I could achieve it.Yes, I'm talking about one which is perceived to be world's most arduous and daunting things to do.. stop smoking. Don't worry :) I'm not going to discuss how to stop smoking not how did I achieve it. But now, after few months if I look back at the whole thing it looks like quite trivial thing to do in life. Recently couple of friends, erstwhile smoking partners, inquired about how long I quit smoking I had to calculate, yes I've already forgot how long it has been since I smoked my last. It was close to a year. I've almost forgot the fact that I was a smoker once, of course it was not a great thing to remember.

The point is a problem looked so big and almost an unattainable task once, seems to be quite a simple and natural thing to do now. Someone said correctly that life of problem is quite small compared to the life itself.

By the way I'll try to post few public comments and thoughts I posted on smoking and quitting before :)

- Thanks,


  1. Welcome to the blogger community.. Happy blogging...

  2. Hi Sreekanth,

    I have been following you in the smoking area of IBM for a while. I wish i could do the same as you did (Quit the bloody thing), but there we go, got to sort out few more things. I tried using the following things so far:

    1. Acupuncture (painful)
    2. Reading books (including the one with whose help you gave up :-) )
    3. Homoeopathy medicines (well, couple of times)
    4. Hypnotism and the crap like that in the past :-)

    Please do pray for my success in this regard as i am serious about it (quitting smoking again, come this new year). Trust me, this thing has was happening for a long time, i wish my wife can support me a bit in this regard (by not nagging me for a month lol).

    Speak to you tomorrow at work about few funny things :-)

    Good luck with your blogging stuff, i never managed to do it so far :-)


  3. Hey thank you Arun! I've been thinking about blogging for sometime, finally started. Hope to keep writing..

  4. Hi Ramesh,

    Am really surprised to know that you went thru all these..That just shows how strongly you want to get rid of that stupid thing.

    Since you seem to be serious about quitting, let me share you my personal experience. I've seen many of my friends stopping for few days/months/even years and then starting. I never tried this because I hate the feeling of constant craving for at least one smoke. But at the back of my mind I was always hoping to quit some day just like that. Waiting for a miracle to happen.

    What struck chord with the book, you mentioned, is that it discussed all the fears and myths experienced by smokers in detail.

    What really dawned upon me is that I don't have to smoke :) and I don't feel shy to attribute this to the book 'the easyway to stop smoking'.

    OK now I realized that I've started bragging and preaching :)) Let me not do that, I hate if someone does either. So I better not do the same ..

    now my real experience is...
    First day was hell.. no, it was worse than that :)
    Second day was almost hell.. or both were same..
    Third day, same as second day..
    Fourth day little better, slowly excitement started that I've not smoked since four days..
    Fifth day sometimes I found my self not thinking about it..

    From sixth or seventh day.. I started realizing that I've kicked the habit.

    I realized that I've stopped counting days.. it was two weeks..

    Now the craving is not so severe.. and is becoming less frequent

    but not even for a second I thought of lighting one..

    four weeks ... months...
    and.. am sure rest of my life.. yeah big promise to myself :)

    But as Allen Corr promised there were no physical pains, its all psychological.. and am sure we can handle it.

    My sincere advice is to read the book again (no, don't read but reflect the topics discussed in the book) and it would definitely help you.

    And am sure you can certainly kick it. If I was able do it, anyone can :) I really believe that.

    One last thing.. I'm bit lucky that my wife never nagged me about smoking, except for mentioning it a couple of times. I must be thankful for that ;)
